As requested, here are our Founding Documents, to be treasured along with the Magna Carta, and one day surely housed in the British Museum.

Showing our first serious contender for a name, FAMILIAR, and our proposed journal, MOTHRA (Monstrous Organization for Theoretical Hermeneutic Research, Annual), and a proposed motto: "We are the edge."*

The reverse of Kalamazoo, Peninsula MS Napkin 1, showing two proposed sub-committees, WOLVES (Working Organization for Lycanthropic Vestiges in Extant Sources) and WONDERS (Working Organization Narrowly Devoted to the East as a Research Subject). Also showing proposed MEARCSTAPA, but without successful acronymage.

Kalamazoo, Peninsula MS Receipt 1, showing successful acronymage of MEARCSTAPA.
*A note on the scribal hand: These documents are clearly to product of an amateur scribe, perhaps of a provincial scriptorium. Palaeography proves difficult, with several abbreviations, but no abbreviation marks found in Capelli's match to aid in deciphering.
1 comment:
If I may add:
"On the obverse is the numerical notation of a second scribe, included a mechanically-typed account of his/her extraordinary alcoholic consumption of the evening."
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